Thursday, September 25, 2008

More random thoughts and a new link

There's a new blog up in the links section: Jac. It's written by Althouse's son, which should be reason enough to check it out, but the guy is a good thinker, and a good writer, on his own account. Jac and I don't agree (he will be voting for Obama), but from what I've read of his blog, he's a sane voice, as I hope to be. He doesn't write exclusively about politics, but a good and necessary part of politics writing (for me at least) is a reminder that the other side of the aisle contains real people too.

Anyway. After reading Jac's "How Obama Lost Me" pieces, I'm contemplating writing a "How McCain Lost Me and Found Me Again (Sorta)" piece. I still have major issues, but at least it's gotten to the point that I won't be gagging in the voting booth, which is a relief. I may also write a "How Obama Lost Me" piece, as I was tempted by the... well, what Obama could have been, had he been what he was selling. As someone who has followed politics closely since 2004, I am very tired of the bickering.

On the bailout: The more I read, the more convinced I am of two things:
1. The bailout is a terrible idea, and
2. It is absolutely necessary.

I have no desire to add $10,000 dollars of debt per household to the already staggering national debt (thanks, W). I have no desire to give irresponsible greedy people a "get out of jail free" card. But it seems that we have little choice-- although if my taxes go towards multimillion dollar severance packages for said greedy and irresponsible people, I intend to scream loud, long and hard. I also sincerely hope that the Paulson Plan has been amended to have oversight-- the original plan had buyouts as the sole purview of the Secretary of the Treasury, and explicitly forbade oversight and review. That is insane, and another cause for screaming bloody murder.
I have nothing else to add, except that this had darn well better work.

As for the McCain capaign "suspension": when my sister told me about it, I nearly had a heart attack. She didn't give me any context at first, and my first thought was, "What, like Hillary's suspension?!" Once my heart went back to its normal pace, I heartily approved. People can call it a gimmick or stupid, but I don't think that's how most people will see it. They will see an adult putting aside the glory of a presidential run for his real job at the Senate. You know, the one he gets paid for. As for Obama saying "we can do both" when asked about postponing the debate, he strikes me as a cocky teenager who thinks he can conquer the world after he finishes his homework. Or, to use a more geeky comparison, he seems like the Scout from Team Fortress 2. Ridiculously fast, cocky, and young, the Scout says "I'm not even winded!" when he scores a capture in the game-- often right before he gets blown up by some more durable class. Obama's statements have all the hallmarks of a teenager who didn't get his way in the first place (It was McCain who first announced his intentions of returning to Washington-- Obama didn't commit to it until after the President summoned him) and is now trying to save face by saying, "Oh yeah? Well I can multi-task better than you can!"


John Althouse Cohen said...

Thanks for the good review of my blog! I'll be checking back here. Looking forward to seeing your "How McCain lost me..."

Eowyn said...

Thanks! It'll be up... oh, probably tomorrow. Assuming that we haven't entered the 2nd Great Depression-- in which case McCain might be too depressing even for the likes of me.