Sunday, June 7, 2009

Eowyn is back!

Well then. My son has arrived, and I'm getting significantly less sleep, but I no longer feel like a demotivated beached whale, and regular blogging will re-(re-re-re-)commence.

First up today: This, from Instapundit. Apparently Ed Whelan over at The Corner took it upon himself to "out" an anonymous liberal blogger who had been annoying him. And, as much as I've enjoyed Whelan's posts and respected his opinion, I've gotta say that that's pretty low. Yes, lots of trolls are anonymous. Anonymity is one of the great banes of the internet. Whelan should try being a woman who plays Team Fortress 2-- idiots who use their anonymity to ask for nudes, descriptions of my anatomy, etc. are far more annoying than a snarky liberal.

But anonymity is also one of the great gifts of the internet. There's a reason I don't use my name-- namely that I have a family. Should a miracle occur and I write something that gains attention, I don't want my kids brought into it in any way, be it miniature trolls in school or fatwas from some offended jihadi. Anyway, the point is that people often have a good reason for their anonymity, and one had better have a darn good reason for blowing someone else's cover. Whelan didn't have a good reason.

Moving on: Presumably everyone has seen this graph by now (via Gateway Pundit):

Is anybody taking bets on someone in the MSM taking one for the team and admitting that the stimulus bill has failed?

Yeah, me neither. We've exceeded the administration's unemployment numbers they were projecting without the stimulus. In fact, according to Obama's projections, unemployment wasn't supposed to peak (at levels below today's) until 2010. We've shot past his predictions-- a year early.


1 comment:

Shelly said...

If there isn't a serious change, (and this time one for sanity instead of the current version of change) in the next election, I am very, very, very afraid for the future of our country.