Friday, January 30, 2009

American Invertebrates

First off, where on earth have I been? I have been fighting the Black Breath-- in this case, pregnancy-induced migraines. Sorry for the lack of posting recently. I get visual migraines, which leave me functionally blind for a while. Which makes blogging hard.

Anyway, I finally got enough vision back to start reading the news yesterday. I have never seen Instapundit so torqued as he seems to be over the "stimulus" bill-- he's calling it the looting bill. Click through the links you'll find over there, and (as I did), you'll find out why. Will someone (other than Nancy Pelosi, please) explain how $335 MILLION in teenager STD prevention will create jobs, or stimulate the economy? Or any of the other liberal monstrosities that are tucked away in there? See Ron Brownstein:
"[T]he bill also emphatically expands programs targeted more at the far term than the near term — from aid to schools in low-income areas ($13 billion) to expanded college loans ($16 billion) and scientific research ($10 billion). In normal times, Congress might never enlarge so many programs at once. But, as with Reagan's tax cut, the crisis-induced demand for action may suspend the normal laws of political gravity — and allow Democrats to redirect federal priorities as boldly as Reagan did. "This is a once-in-a-25-year opportunity to [implement] a lot of our agenda," a top House Democratic aide says."

This is no stimulus bill. This is a liberal reworking of society. There's even wording in there with the capability to undo the welfare reform of the 90's, according to Charles Hurt. Support for the bill is falling rapidly, but (surprise!) the Democrats that we elected simply do not care.

As they are fond of saying over at National Review's Corner, elections have consequences. As a people, we elected Barack Obama. We put in a nearly filibuster-proof Dem majority with only a few conservatives and weak-kneed "compassionate conservatives" to oppose them. We did this. I remember the incredulous tone over at The Corner a couple of days before the election-- "Are we really going to do this? Elect the most liberal, inexperienced member of the Senate to the office of the President?" Well, yeah. We did. Or rather, as a people, we became so complacently ignorant that we let Hollywood and the main-stream media do it for us. We let ourselves be railroaded. This is what happens when America loses its collective spine. This is what happens when we lose any sense of self-reliance, let alone fair play.

This is what happens when we decide to let the liberal, nobody-should-have-to-lose playground mentality of the left take over.

This is what happens when we decide to let the government take care of us.

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