Saturday, August 16, 2008

Internet: I has it

But only after a fashion. Internet access will be spotty at best until the ISP gets its act together on Thursday.

But ye gods and little fishes! Be away from the internet for one week and what happens? John Edwards 'fesses up to the Rielle Hunter affair. Russia invades Georgia and forcibly redraws her borders. The ChiCom Olympics start (I love to watch the Olympics-- but I have to plug my nose while watching these), and China promptly cheats by playing little girls in the gymnastics competition.

Anyway, there'll be more (a lot more) commentary on all of this when I've had a chance to read up on everything, but in the meantime, here are two street signs from this neck of the woods:

Report [HOV lane] Violators: 111-111-HERO

Litter and it will hurt

Ah, the Pacific Northwest. Home of the threatening street sign.

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